All Topics Welcome



         * Love and relationship answers

         * Career

         * Business readings

         * Your psychic advancement 

         * Soul readings

         * Past life readings

         * Future life readings in    


         * Wellness, Health and Healing

         * Animals and Pets 

         * Science topics

         * Specialized Technology Answers

         * The town or city reading

         * Family readings

         * Ancestral and family tree

         * Historic house

         * Specialized readings for your 

                    local Historic Societies

         * Ghosts

         * Exorcism and freedom from        

                    negative energies

         * Voodoo. Black Magic. The Occult.

         * ET's and Aliens

         * Psychic appraisals and  

                    item identifications

         * Solve crime questions

         * Finding things out 

         * The wedding party reading

         * The birthday party reading

         * Psychic answers about your 

                     book or thesis or...

         * The Karmic Group reading

         * Personal topics answers

     by viewing and reading the articles on this website you will realize that the psychic is able to channell on many many different types of topics. the universe is infinite and infinite intelligence answers through this person - the psychic channell. The phenomenon of channelling brings words to the mind of the psychic who then types them into your personal email psychic readings. Decades of practice have resulted in bringing forth the material on this website. Allow Betsi to channell words for your own reading answers.

            Types of questions and readings in  detail: mix any price options with any type of reading topics.                                                                                                             

                       * Love and relationship questions can be answered. For these questions you are able to get a current "what is going on now" answer also. You are also able to get answers in probabilities explained in your psychic readings most of the time. What is most likely to occur for the future. Life probabilities. Ask and you will find out. Nothing is ever going to hurt if you get a reading.

                      * Career questions are answered. Ask about finances, money, jobs, work topics, employment topics and find things out. 

                       * Business readings. Ask about your business solutions. Ideas for more money in. Ask about slogans and ask about targeting ideal people for business buys. Ask about certain strategies for your business success.

                       * The - Your psychic advancement readings. A psychic reading specific to you. And your psychic skills now and how to enhance them. Your blocks to becoming more psychic are able to shown to you so that you can become even more psychic. For beginners or intermediate or advanced psychics. 

                        * Soul readings. Finding out about your own soul. Finding out about your soul level as a human being on earth. You might ask about your soulmate, twin souls, twin flames or souls groups. 

                        * Past lives readings. This topic is with infinity and beyond also. Your past lives are able to be channelled about for you. You might ask about significant past lives that are impacting you right now or in this lifetime. You might ask about significant people in this lifetime who are in your life that are from past lives and who you all were then to each other as compared to and in relation to who you are all to each other right now. This is a timetravel reading. You can focus on specific past lives such as where you lived and what you did for work and who your family and friends were then.


                         * Future lives readings. You are able to ask questions about your own future in this lifetime 2012 and on or in future lifetimes such as beyond the year 2100 AD. Your answers are in probable likely lifetimes ahead as you have not totally decided yet much of the time. A look ahead to see what countries you are thinking about from your soul that is infinite. A look ahead to see who you might want to be friends or family with next time. Or later on lifetimes.

                         * Wellness Health and Healing answers. You are asking about your own health perhaps with this topic. You are able to ask to get a psychic healing from this psychic but it is not in person it is done long distance healing psychically done only. That is part of your reading at $19.00 and up. Most people who are psychic themselves have noticed the healings. Ask about health issues or concerns. Ask about outcomes for health questions. Get Answers in Email. $8.50 and up. 

This psychic has special channelling abilities in this area. The information from the higher realms pours through rapidly answering your health questions oftentimes very helpfully. However please read the disclaimer carefully as only your own doctor is able to do treatment or opinions or recommendations. It is to be used to consider but not without the doctors approval only. That is our liability disclaimer here too.


                           * Animal and Pets answers. You are able to get a reading about animals or pets only or ask a question included as part of your reading about a pet or animal you are thinking of. Ask about the animals comprehensions of things or feelings about things or even health of the animals. How is my pet doing? is a common question for a reading. Has my pet been with me before in past lives? is another possible question for your read if you ask. Missing pets questions can be asked of the psychic for your readings too. Detailed animal/pet health answers are sometimes available for the questions. Legal disclaimer is included as part of any psychic read purchase. Thank you. $8.50 and up.

                            * Science topics. You can ask anything from medical science to earth and the universe science and beyond. Infinite questions exist. Answers are really available psychically. They are not looked up at all in books or internet. They are psychically answered. 

                           * Specialized Technology Answers. This particular read is Corportate Only at $1800. as you are buying the channelling here. It is specialized for a technological product advancement or otherwise. Do ask in a smallest read first if not sure. Otherwise the reading commences and is not refundable here either. Thank you.


                           * The Town or City Reading. Different people will get different reads even for the same town asked about. These are not pre-channelled reads about towns or cities.  None of the email readings are. They are done specifically for the person who buys one and asks questions. There are psychic reasons for different answers for each person and it involves each person holding unique souls permissions for answers to arrive for the read. It can involve  questions about the future of the town or the history of the town. Questions can involve the problems the town is now experiencing and what can be done to remedy them. Questions can range from town parades ideas for community activities to crime solving to budget planning questions answered. Town karma is another topic all together and is for the psychically minded person only. What can you do for your town or school or county? Ask in a psychic read to find out. Your town or city could be anywhere on earth. 

                           * Family readings. For your reading or as part of your reading you are able to ask about family. Family questions are answered. They can involve questions about anyone in your family such as your children - your spouse - your in-laws  - your ancestors too in fact. People who have passed can be asked about. Your future family is another question you could ask about. 

                           * Ancestral and Family Tree. You are able to ask about your own ancestors of past. They are your grandparents grandparents generations back. There is alot here and thousands of books could be channelled alone just on this topic. Reasons are there is much with souls permissions for earth human history and the channell is often able to find things out for you due to that reason.  Your ancestors are reached by the psychic. The psychic really is often able to speak to them psychically and not just channell about them. Due to her psychic abilities they answer questions you ask in email. They are often very pleased to answer your questions because you are their descendant.  It is not always possible to give dates or names when you are asking as part of your genealogical search however sometimes there are dates and names possible. Each reading is unique as each ancestor is unique. Enjoy your readings.

                            * Historic House. Psychic Reading. Ask in email about the house you have in mind. Answers are available psychically. What was special there? What went on that is provable if anything? Renovations questions are answerable often. Who lived there and where they were in the house at times is often important at times only. When the house was built and who built it? 

                           * Historic Societies questions are answered with a psychic reading. Your own local historic society is able to ask questions about whatever the topic questions are. Such as local history or unproven facts that have been wondered about. The psychic does try to make the channelling as provable as possible but there are no guarantees. No books or research is consulted at all for your historic psychic reading. The psychic has done her own historic research and has some history knowledge but there is no research done for your own specific psychic answers that are channelled in your email reads. 

                           * Ghosts. Known to you or not known to you. If you have a question about a ghost you are able to ask about the ghost question in your psychic reading questions. Ask about what they are or if what you saw was really a ghost or not. Haunting questions are answerable too. What are ghosts and are they around you can be one of your questions also. Ask your questions any way you would like to or need to ask. 

                          * Exorcism and/or freedom from negative energies questions are answered. Explain in detail in your questions. The psychic will work with the God force energies to remove the negative in your life. The demonic and evil forces are worked on to be identified by the psychic. Exorcisms from a distance can occur. If there is need of one. You can receive the psychic answers in email and the long distance energy work in this reading. For $8.50 only minimal work is possible here. Ideal reading size here is $45 and up. There is much energy work to do at times.

                          * Voodoo. Black Magic and The Occult. Witches. Dark Forces. This reading is able to answer your questions about these topics also. If you have specific life situations or other questions concerning these topics the psychic is able to channell your answers in email. Please give detailed questions as much as possible. $8.50 and up. 

                          * ET's and Aliens psychic readings. You are able to ask about anything related to extraterrestrials and ET intelligence for your psychic reading answers. Not all are good to try to contact. There is much to learn about and a psychic channelling will be able to answer alot of your questions. There is no book answers - the answers are all psychic channelled by the psychic herself. That is how the readings are - all psychic answers.

                          * Psychic Appraisals and item Identifications. Yes - the psychic can do these also. They are not looked up on the internet or looked up in books or magazines or in any way at all.  (The psychic happens to have some knowledge about antiques, etc) but is not part of your psychic read on your item in question. Your psychic appraisal can include a photo if you want to email or send a site link. Or not. You do not need to send a photo for any of the readings at all. The value of the item is able to be psychically channelled. What the item is can also be answered in a reading. Please explain in your email questions as much as you can about the item in question. Up to three questions or items can be channelled about in a $8.50 read however if you ask one question in an $8.50 read you receive more detailed answers. Less detail if there are more questions. 

                           * Solve Crime Questions are Answered psychically only here. The psychic will channell your answers. The more detailed your questions the more detailed your answers are able to be due to souls permissions that occur with channelled answers. Ask about anything related to this topic and the psychic will do a channelled email for your answers. 

                           * Psychic Reading on Finding Things Out. You are able to ask about the outcome of a situation. Or you could ask about the current status of a situation such as what is the here and now of the situation. What is going on now -- and what is most likely going to occur. Answers are not always decided yet even by God - as there is fate vs free will deciding. The answer is the current direction of what is most likely and what the chances are of the answer occuring as it stands the day of your reading. At times you can get readings later on to get the current status again if needed. 

                          * The Wedding Party Reading. The Best Man Speech can be psychically channelled for your email reading. For the whole group to hear at the reception. It will be unique and not copied. One of a kind speech to read. Yes there is one for the Maid of Honor if she does a speech too. Ask for your reading. And you will receive it for your reading. 

Your other choice is - a unique psychic read about your Wedding Party Group of people. Fun but true. Ask questions about those who are attending your wedding and who they were in past lives to you and your new spouse. A Wedding Party Reading is possible here if you ask about who was who in past lives to both of you. Or either of you. It will be readable to your group as it will be psychically channelled for your group specifically for your Wedding Day reading. The length is not optional as it is whatever arrives psychically to the psychic for you all.  $8.50  and up Best Man Speech. Additional $8.50 and up Maid of Honor Speech. Additional $19 or $45 and up is the Wedding Party Group Karma Speech or Reading.  Note: These are not mailed. Please print them out to use. Thank you.

                         * The Birthday Party Reading.  Print out the psychic reading done for the person who is having the birthday. You are asking questions for the person in email and giving it to them for their birthday gift. Wonderful gift. Ask about anything on behalf of the person that they would not mind you knowing the answers about. Health reads are fine but not fun. Could do those later after the birthdays. BLESS YOUR ANSWERS AND THAT IS OUR CHANNELLED PART HERE.

                          * You The Writer Psychic Reading. Psychic reading that is channelled and it is answering your questions you have about your writings. Your book that you thought you might want to write. Your thesis that you are stuck with at times. Your magazine articles. Your   news reports. Ask in emails. Get Answers.

                            * The Karmic Group Reading.  You are with karma with one another but you do not know how. Not yet knowing how. The Karma is with group only here. You are a group of poeple who are family group. Friends group. Or club meetings. Or staff at a place of work perhaps. And it seems like there is a Karma thing with it all -- but dont even ask yet. Ask in a psychic reading here first. They might not be that fun yet about it. Ask. And find things out first. About it all. Recommended size of reading is $19 and up. A smaller reading is nice too yet not with as much detail as you might want. 

                            * Personal Topic Answers. You are able to ask about anything at all. Personal questions are answered and the answers are never shown to anyone ever. Your reads are personal confidential reads.

                              No Lottery Numbers are Given for Psychic Readings.

                             When I am channelling your answers or channelling my articles I type in all capital letters. That is how you can see the information is channelled. YOU ARE ABLE TO BUY ONE READ OR MANY READS. YOU ARE BEST BEST BEST WITH A LARGER ONE WITH MOST DETAILED ANSWERS IN IT VERY MUCH SO. YOU ARE ABLE TO ASK ALL TOPICS AND THAT IS WHAT YOUR QUESTIONS ARE. ALL TOPICS WELCOME HERE. THAT IS OUR TITLE FOR OUR PAGE. THAT IS OUR PAGE TITLE.




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